We were honored to be invited to the healthcare workshop at this year’s European Big Data Value Forum in Versailles, where we presented the challenges of using anonymized big medical data to create value to physicians, especially radiologists. OECD data shows that there are more than one billion CT and MRI scans stored in data silos across Europe.This volume of images is increasing faster than the rate of new Radiologists. The complex nature of the data (unstructured, noisy, biased and incomplete) makes it especially difficult to develop machine learning-based solutions to adequately support radiologists.
We presented how we learn from the clinical data available and create value for radiologists with our image search-based technology as well as what will be possible once image/report data is connected with additional clinical information. AI technology for identifying structures in increasingly complex big medical data and support radiologists to provide high quality reporting despite their continually increasing workloads is imminent. In other words, help is on the way!