Individual ML Contributor / Technical Advisor / Co-Founder

My motivation? Make cutting edge tech available to radiologists.
René is the type of Co-Founder who can develop brilliant, efficient frameworks for medical image analysis and grill perfectly-seasoned octopus: that is to say, he’s rather unique. Born in Mexico City and raised in Austria, he studied Electrical Engineering at TU Wien, specialising in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, attended summer school at CERN, setting up a distributed simulation cluster, and was a visiting student at MIT, focusing on medical imaging. He also participated in the EU research project Khresmoi, a multilingual, multimodal search and access system for biomedical information and documents. Upon completion of the project, René set his academic studies aside in favor of real-world applications, co-founding contextflow with the other Khresmoi project members. Earlier work can be read in publications such as the Journal of Image and Vision Computing and the European Journal of Radiology. René is the Founder of the Julia computer language Meetup and Co-Organizer of the Deep Learning Meetup in Vienna.
Favorite meal: Chinese
Recommended reading: The Hungry Cyclist: Pedalling the Americas in Search of the Perfect Meal by Tom Kevill Davies
People would be surprised to learn…that I am actually not a grumpy old man 😉
If I wasn’t working as a Technical Advisor, I would be…off cycling.
Most rewarding part of my job: Making stuff slick. Getting it done. Making it fast.